Saturday 13 July 2013

Eosophobia - the fear of daylight

When does something become unfixable? Things break all the time, but do relationships become unfixable? Do people themselves become beyond repair?

Maybe it's when you feel you've given too many chances. Or perhaps when you cry more than you laugh. It could be when you lay, listless and restless at the end of each day. 

I think it's when you stop bringing out the best in each other. When you stop being happy like you were. When you say you're leaving, and they stop asking you to stay.

Relationships break.

When I found you, you were a broken, flightless bird. You were so lost in the still, black waters of life, you had forgotten which way was up. I tried to be your lighthouse, your beacon, shining a still ray of white light into your darkness, showing you which way was up.

The day you reached the shore, I pulled you out, held you with trembling fingers, loved you, made you my own. I gently wiped your tears and held you while you blinked in the sunlight. 

But you were never meant for this outside world. I watched as you struggled to breath, I grasped your hand as you tried to run and finally I cried as I let you once again disappear into that consuming darkness.

People break.

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